Wednesday, September 16, 2015

More New Doll Food!

Lately, all I've wanted to do is make doll food with sculpey clay. It's really fun! Here's my newest creation...

We have a chocolate cookie, a rainbow chocolate chip cookie, and a pretty pink macaron!

I made this using the instructions on Small Dolls In A Big World. Here's the link if you want to take a look! 
My cookie is really big....

Next, is the pink Macaron! I love it because it's pink!

Last is the rainbow cookie! I like it a lot. :)

Remember the post about my burned doll clay food? Here is a picture of them.

The macarons turned gray..... And the donut is brown on the edges. ;)

What do you think? Which dessert do you like best? 

-American Girl Doll Crafter


  1. I love your macaron and cookies. They look good enough to eat!

    1. Thank you! My favorite one is the chocolate cookie. It was so fun to make! Thanks for the instructions on your blog! :)

  2. I love your rainbow cookie!-AgMusician

  3. I once burned a batch of doll food... It looked like the food does when mom leaves it in the oven an extra hour :)


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