Wednesday, August 12, 2015

~News Flash~ Maryellen's Collection

Hello everyone! It's American Girl Doll Crafter Guess what-

                                       We interrupt this program to report the latest news.

Hello, everyone. I'm Kit Kittredge, tonight's host of AG News. We're filming live from the AGN headquarters and we have some breaking news for you. Photos of Maryellen Larkin's collection has been seen on social media!

Seaside Diner


Living Room Set


Blue Couch

Scooter, Ms. Larkin's dachshund.

A jukebox. It looks like you can plug in a phone or MP3 player.

Her Pjs and Hairstyle Set

Cherry outfit

Ice Skating Outfit. There are also ice skating accessories that go with it.

School Dress

Birthday Dress

And last, a close up of her beautiful face!

So, what do you think? Ms. Larkin is sure to be the next Doll Star. She hasn't even come out yet and she's already popular! 

Well, that's all we know so far. Stay tuned for an interview with the dolls on their thoughts about Maryellen Larkin and her collection. I'm Kit Kittredge and this...  is AG News. 


Hmm... That was odd but interesting! Why all of a sudden did a TV show come on my blog? 
Oh well! Maybe it will happen again! :)


  1. she is soooooo pretty I love all of her things!!!-AgMusician

  2. Wow! Her eyes! They are so pretty!! :D

  3. Wow! Maryellen is adorable! I love her curly hair and bangs. Are you going to save up for her?
    Where did you find these picture? Just curious, because I couldn't find them on any other news blogs.
    - American Girl Doll Artist

    1. Yes, I am! I love her too! Hmmm... I think off of Instagram.

  4. Do you mind if I copy and paste the photos on my blog? I will link back to your post, since that's where I found them. If not, I'll just post a link. :)
    Good job having the lastest news on your blog! You beat me to it. :)
    - American Girl Doll Artist

    1. Sure, you post the photos! But could you please put a link to my blog? Thanks!


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