Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Rumor- Coconuts Retirement?

Lately, there have been rumors of Coconuts retirement. And they might be true! Take a look at this...
All the pets are there, except Coconut! She's also missing in the Truly Me pet section. 
Do you think AG is removing Coconut? Would you care if they did?
Leave your thoughts in the comments! 
Remember, this is just a rumor. It has NOT been confirmed by AG.

-American Girl Doll Crafter


  1. We have the July AG magazine and it does not show coconut!!! I love Coconut and the Chocolate lab dog they are my favorite pets beside Bon Bon!!!! I hope they aren't retiring Coconut he is just so cute,but if they did retire one it would be him he was the first AG pet. If they are not showing Coconut that probably means that they are retiring him. I would be very sad if they retired coconut:(. I do think that the rumors are true because she is not in any one of the AG pet pictures of all of the pets.-EmC

  2. I agree. Coconut has been with AG for 15 years and it would be so sad to see her retired! Hopefully I can get her before she's gone. ;(

  3. That is a pretty long time to have a pet. I would be so sad if they took her away. She has been out forever so it would be very sad if AG took her away. -EmC


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