Sunday, July 26, 2015

AG Beforever Timelines

One day, while I was looking around on  AG's publishing site, I noticed something interesting.
All the dolls have the number 4 at the end the end if their timelines!

Well, all of the dolls except Caroline. She lives in the war of 1812, so she can't have a 4 at the end of her timeline.

Julie Albright-1974

Samantha Parkington-1904

Rebecca Rubin-1914

Addy Walker-1864

Kit Kittredge-1934

Josefina Montoya-1824


Maryellen Larkin-1954

Isn't that funny and amazing? :)

-American Girl Doll Crafter


  1. I never noticed that! That's funny.

  2. I've noticed that. I have wondered why AG does that. :)

  3. I have never noticed that before-EmC


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